The Death Star Defender is produced by CPG Space Products. A company best known for its civilian products. CPG Products was the inventor of the fairly known ATL Interceptor. An air to land fighter with formidable qualities, but still to weak in firepower for Imperial standards. ATL Interceptors are only armed with 1 laser cannon. In the years following the Imperialization of the galaxy, the space flight capable ATL Interceptor was a widely spread fighter among planetary forces and galactic trading companies. This was mostly due to the cost of only 80.000 credits per fighter, but they where also easy to repair and could be fitted with a class 3 hyperdrive for only 10.000 credits extra. The ATL interceptor has a cruising speed of 100 MegaLights (1200 km/h) and an attack speed of 90 MegaLights (1080 km/h).
When the Empire began constructing the Imperial I Death Star the designers was determined to give it a fighter support of minimum 100 Imperial starfighter wings; 7200 fighters. They where to be used as close support for the gigantic battle station and in planetary operations adswell. Some engineers wanted the fighters attached to the Death Star to be more durable than the standard TIE Fighters, and started looking for and testing other space superiority fighter models. The ATL Interceptor had most of the qualities the Empire was looking for but some modifications had to be made. CPG Space Products came up with the Death Star Defender. An upgraded fighter faster than the ATL Interceptor and with superior firepower. The engineers were pleased with the new design and Imperial Naval Command warned CPG Space Products about a short notice major order of 7200 Death Star Defenders. CPG Space Products was thrilled with the upcoming order and began producing the Death Star Defenders in mass quantities even though the order was not in place. But soon after Imperial Naval Command ordered the Death Star to carry Sienar Fleet Systems TIE Fighters as standard defense fighters. This decision was based on classified reasons.
Since then the Death Star Defender has only been used in limited numbers by the Imperial Navy. Mostly on smaller installations and ground based bases on Outer Rim planets. The Death Star Defender has a costs of 95,000 credits and is sold to Imperial Forces only.