A program that never became a standard craft, the TIE X series is no less impressive despite it's low numbers. Intended to replace the TIE/ln Fighters in many roles, it was the first group of TIEs to carry shields and a hyperdrive. Using a long set of solar panels, similar to those that would later be used on the TIE Bomber, it is not as maneuverable as the TIE/ln Fighter. Many pilots feel that the higher speed more than counteracts the loss of nimbleness (these apparently include Lord Vader, who supposedly had a personal hand in the design of the TIE X series), as a good pilot can make up for poor performance. They use advanced targeting systems and stronger laser cannons, but the boosted power chambers experience greater erosion than the standard models, thus requiring higher level of maintenance. This is the running theme of the TIE X series, as all of the systems require a higher degree of care taking for reliable function.
After the TIE X1, sometimes called the TIE Assault Craft, there would be a to notable variation. The first was a custom made craft, given as a gift to Lord Vader by the President of Santhe/Seinar, which he used in the Battle of Yavin. It is believed that he used this craft until it was destroyed during the Battle of Endor, resting in it's launch cradle on the Executor.
It was followed by a the TIE X2, which featured slightly improved systems, a more powerful navigational computer, a repulsorlift generator and a set of field landing skids. There were fewer of the TIE X2's made, but they were a more popular craft with pilots, who no longer needed to return to specially equipped ships or garrisons to land. These can be distinguished by the cut-outs made in the leading edge of the solar panels, forming the "dags" that would become famous on the Interceptor and TIE Advanced.