Imperial Sorosuub Preybird

Preybird-class Starfighter

Design & Manufacture:
Sorosuub Corporation & Cavrilhu Spipyards

Heavy Assault Starfighter

21 meters

1, pilot

Cargo Capacity:
15 kilograms

4 days

Hyperdrive Multiplier:

100 MGLT

Hull Strength:
18 RU

46 SBD

2 Laser Cannons and 2 Concussion Missile Launchers.

Not originally intended to be used in the Imperial Starfleet, the Preybird was produced in extremely limited quantities. SoroSuub shut the project down after producing only a few thousand of these ships. But the design was at the year 48 After Emperor Palpatine's rise to power, picked up by the Loyal Imperialist Moff Disra.

The Imperial Moff who was like all of the other so called Imperial Warlords struggling to rebuild the Galactic Empire in a time of crisis, turned to the Cavrilhu with the Preybird Class Starfighter design. He was in the need of an overall tougher starfighter then the TIE fighters already in his fleet. TIE Fighters were fairly expensive to repair or replace after space battles, especially when Imperial Navy funds were running low. The Cavrilhu (a civilian space based company) began mass-producing the ships for Moff Disra, who bypassed normal Imperial channels to fund the ships. Over time, the Preybird eventually replaced the TIE fighter in numerous Imperial fleets.

At this time only few of these ships are still in Imperial service. The Empire, now again a fully functional government, has no problem supplying all the TIE series fighters the Imperial Navy requires.