Imperial TIE Boarding Craft

Model: TIE/bc Boarding Craft
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems

Designation: Short Range Boarding Craft

Length: 7.8 meters

Crew: 1

Troops: 10 + 4 (trooper squad + passengers)

Cargo Capacity: 15 metric tons (troop compartment)

Consumables: 2 days

Speed: 80 MGLT

Hull: 28 RU

Weapons: 1 Laser Cannon and 1 Hull-Cutting Airlock.

These bent-wing vessels are one of the oldest common TIE models, dating back to the earliest days of Emperor Palpatine's rule. The Imperator I Class Star Destroyer was designed to carry six of these ships. The TIE Boarding Craft were also a major part of the hangar complement of the Imperial I Death Star battle station, where 806 TIE Boarding Craft were carried.

The wings and hull design are similar to those of a TIE Bomber and TIE Shuttle Craft, but the vertical segment is somewhat larger, and has radiator panels on its inner surface as well. The starboard pod contains the cockpit, but has space for more occupants. The portside pod is designed to carry a squad of navy troopers or stormtroopers for boarding operations. The forward end of the port pod bears a docking clamp, and has a general-purpose airlock and automatic cutting torches to breach the enemy ship or space station. This mechanism can be extensible beyond the vessel's wings to facilitate mating with a wider variety of docking ports.