Imperial TIE Shuttle Craft

Model: TIE/sh Shuttle Craft
Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems

Designation: Short Range Shuttle Craft

Length: 7.8 meters

Crew: 1

Troops: 2 (priority personnel)

Cargo Capacity: 17 + 1 metric tons (passenger pod + cargo space)

Consumables: 2 days

Speed: 90 MGLT

Hull: 28 RU

Weapons: 1 Laser Cannon

The first offshoot of the Bomber was a simple, short-range shuttle to replace the TIE/ts Fighter. It is little more than a TIE Bomber, with the weapons targeting systems removed, and the weapons drum replaced with a pair of passenger seats, and enough room for a cubic meter cargo. While the seating is not overly luxurious, it really isn't a problem for intra-fleet transportation. The passenger seats are on a removable pallet, allowing them to be removed to make way for a fairly large cargo for such a small craft (roughly 17 tons), or for a pair of spacetroopers or a short squad of navy troopers or stormtroopers who must stand. Eventually, it is planned that each Imperator Class Star Destroyer will carry 2 of these craft.

The ill-fated Captain Needa was carried to Lord Vader's Super Class Star Destroyer Executor from he's Imperator Class Star Destroyer Avenger in a TIE Shuttle Craft.