The Toscan Fighter was one of the first advanced space superiority fighters manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems for use in the Imperial Navy. This craft is slower and less maneuverable than the Rebels X-Wing, but it has a superior shielding and firepower that makes it overall tougher. It can however, despite of it poor maneuverability, easily outmaneuver the B-Wing starfighter. The Toscan Fighter employs a cockpit manufactured by Koensayr. This company can boast having components in nearly a fifth of all starships produced in the known Galaxy.
The Toscan Fighter is an excellent fighter, but due to its high cost, Naval Command have chosen not to purchase these craft in large quantities. The advanced fighters of the TIE series are cheaper to produce and much more popular with Imperial pilots. Many allies of the Empire though, such as the former Xizor Transport Systems company, uses the Toscan Fighter as their standard fleet fighters.