Sith Artifacts
Sith Talismans
Talismans are created specifically to focus a Sith's ability in a field of the Force. There are several variations used. Though, some are created to increase one's connection generally in the Force. These talismans are the most powerful, and the most rare. Sith Talismans come in a variety of descriptions. Many are stones set into the back of a fingerless glove. This glove is further attached by a chain to a shoulder piece which straps to the shoulder and upper back and is further adorned with jewels.Concentration
The Sith developed talismans of concentration to help them focus during long, elaborate rites, those typically associated with the tapping of vast amounts of dark side power. The talisman allowed a sorcerer to concentrate all of his will to creation of the desired effect, temporarily increasing his ability to maniuplate the Force. Unfortunately, use of such a device often caused the wielder to succumb to exhaustion the moment his Force effect was completed--a defeat that prevented such talismans from becoming commonly used, especially in battle. These magical constructs take many different forms, from amulets to crystal pyramids. For the effect to work, however, the Force-user's skin must touch the talisman throughout the Force power's initiation, making smaller, movable versions more desirable. A talisman of concentration gives the wielder a bonus in prep, to anyone of his Force skills while he is touching the device. He may change the affected skill between uses of Force powers, but not during the initiation of one power that requires more then one Force skill. For example, the Force Wind power requires the use of both the sense and alter skills. The Force-user cannot use the concentration talisman's bonus on the sense skill during the first round and then the on alter skill during the second round. The amount of bonus preps depends on the particular talisman. The creator of the device determines the level of power conferred to the wielder at the time of the final ritual to seal the ability into the medium. Talismans of 1 prep are most common, while those of 3 preps are extremely rare and are usually found only in the possession of powerful Sith sorcerers.
Devices of this nature appear to function exactly as talismans of concentration--especially to a dark side wielder. This particular version, however, has one added ability: it can immediately turn the wielder to the dark side. Sith magicians discovered that some Jedi had taken to using Sith talismans to serve the light side. To defeat this unintended and unwanted use of their devices, the Sith constructed many with the power to instantly lure the unsuspecting Jedi to the dark side. This secondary function has fulfilled their goal, and the use of Sith artifacts by Jedi Knights has been outlawed ever since. Talismans of ensnarement function under the same rules as their concentration counterparts, with one exception. Each time a light sider uses the device he must lose 1 light prep, after the 3rd time the Jedi will be turned to the dark side of the Force, and lose all of his light side preps.
During the Sith revolt led by Naga Sadow, many pureblood Sith devotees created talismans of healing to give their side the advantage in combat encounters. The devices quicken and increase the power of a corporeal being's natural healing processes at the expense of the wielder's ability to use the Force. A Force-user may heal one being in a 24 hour period, and he becomes weak in all known force skills until the 24 hours pass.
Force Mask
The use of the Force sends ripples through the galaxy, alerting anyone able to perceive such subtle vibrations to the location and the identity of the Force-wielder at the source (the amount of information regarding the emanation point of the ripples is based on the ability of the individual sensing the disturbance in the Force). The Sith learned quickly that this natural occurrence allowed their movements to be tracked and their ambitions to be foiled by opposing forces, and they created devices called Force masks to hide such emanations. The mask essentially sends out anti-Force ripples that cancel the natural "waves" produced by the use of the Force. The aura around the Force-wielder, therefore, appears dormant, devoid of any type of Force activity. Force-wielding characters using the sense skill to detect disturbances in the Force cannot perceive any Force use by the holder of a Force mask.
The Sith shield talisman was one of the first dark side devices discovered and cataloged by the Jedi. The talisman protects its wearer (it usually takes the form of an amulet, necklace, or torque) from energy (from lightning to pulse-waves to lasers to blasters) and Force attacks. Research suggests that the device works by absorbing the energy directed at it and storing it for use as its own source of fuel. To retain it's ability to function, however, the talisman requires an infusion of energy at least once per standard week The shield talisman confers a bonus of up to 3 preps against energy and force attacks directed at the wielder, per turn. The number of preps absorbed depends on the power of the amulet and the skill of the user.
The tomes containing Sith teachings, lore, and Force techniques were written in the Sith's ancient language, which has all but died out since the destruction of the species. Very few scholars can decipher the strange language, and even fewer have learned how to pronounce it's complex structures. This talisman, initially designed and created by fallen Jedi who sought to learn of the Sith's secret techniques, allows the wielder to read the Sith language as if it were his own native tounge.
Sith Soul Gems
Soul Gems are used for the purpose of capturing spirits. Some Dark Lords used these to escape final death by putting their spirit inside these. They later appeared and corrupted unwitting pawns. These have also been used to trap one's enemies. Inside these gems, the enemies are helpless, unable to use their Force abilities. The souls captured in a soul gem can be used for a number of things: they can be the power source in a Sith's amulet, they can be placed into a cloned body, or they can be used in the creation of a symbiote.
Sith Runes
Legend and Mystery Surround the Ancient Sith Runes. These Tattoo Like Designs are the foundation of the Ancient Sith Sorcery. Each Rune has a certain power that is bonded to the person it is placed upon. Runes may also be placed within a "Hexagonal" Runic Structure upon a person. The Hexagonal Structure is the Ultimate means of receiving power from the Sith Runes. ONLY A SITH ALCHEMIST MAY EMPLACE A RUNE UPON A CHARACTER.
Sith Swords
These alchemically reinforced blades can withstand any blow. Their indestructible nature allows them to even parry lightsbers. Such weapons have survived through thousands of generations and yet remain in perfect condition, their edges sharp and their blades straight. A Fabled Sith Sword is passed from Dark Lord of The Sith to Dark Lord of The Sith. The Current Dark Lord Sword is now in the possession of Khameir Sarin.
The Creation of A Sith Sword Takes a Sith Alchemist. Sith Swords may be found upon ancient Sith grounds.
Sith Holocrons
The safest method of learning Sith powers requires the possession of a Sith Holocron. Unfortunately such devises are extremely rare. Most were destroyed during the Fall, and not one has come to the attention of the Jedi for more than 700 years- which does not mean that they do not exist. Merely that whoever holds them has not yet discovered how to operate them or how to take advantage of thier teachings. Many such information storage and retrieval devices exist in the galaxy. Each holocron provides a visual and vocal way to retrieve the information stored inside. The Sith Holocron can be differentiated from the Dark Holocron, used to store the information of other Dark Jedi, by it’s shape. The Sith Holocron is a translucent pyramid shape, small enough to fit in the palm on the hand. Each holocron has a gatekeeper, a Jedi who is in possession of the holocron and through whose image the stories of the holocron are told. A holocron is a powerful and informative tool which can only be activated by a person controlling the force. Holocron technology arose tens of thousands of years ago, if not more. These devices act as interactive stores of information, most often used to retain the secrets of Force powers for future generations. The creator of a Holocron essentially transfers a portion of his personality into the object and this sentient presence is then referred to as the gatekeeper of that Holocron. Most holocrons have special organic crystalline components, a rare commodity found only on a few remote worlds, the names of many of which have been lost to history - or purposely hidden by the miners of such scarce gems. When arranged properly these crystals form the energy that can both absorb and later reproduce light and sound wave information. The Sith have developed a much more impressive construct by empowering the crystals with Force energy through an elaborate procedure well guarded by its most powerful members.
All Known Ancient Sith Holocrons are Either owned by Dark Lord Bane, Emperor Palpatine or the Sith Dark Hall.
Sith Scrolls
These are writings of the Sith of old. These scrolls explain to the reader how to perform a certain ritual, cast a certain spell, construct a certain item, or a teaching in the dark side of the Force. No more then 50 of the original scrolls, from the first golden age, still remain in existance. The reader must have a talisman of translation or be fluent in the Sith dialect.
25 of The 50 Remaining Sith Scrolls are housed in the NSO (New Sith Order) Dark Hall of Knowledge.
Sith Books of Lore
These are writings of the Sith of old, as well. The only difference is, is that the books go more in depth into the lessons and the history of the Sith. The following books are still in existance: The Book of Sith Alchemy, The Book of Sith Runic Magic, The Book of Sith Illusions, and The Book of Sith Sorcerery. Only a few copies of each book have remained intact over the past 5000 years.
All Known Books of Lore are hidden away by the Various Factions
Sith Crystaline Armor
After a Sith masters alchemy, his first major test is to construct a full mail of armor out of crystalized metal. This task is done by the Sith creating a mold of the armor he wishes to construct out of plain sand. Then a Sith would pour special herbs, spices, oils and a crushed soul gem, all while he is chanting in the anchient Sith dialect. The Sith would compress the sand using dark side energy, as he continues to chant, bringing the sand to beyond freezing temperatures, causing the sand to crystalize and take a metalic form. Many forms of armor and weapons can be constructed by using this method. All known weapons and gauntlets are virtually indestructable, even from the blow of a lightsaber. A full mail of armor can withstand 4 blows from a lightsaber before it can be penetrated.
This Armor May Take a Sith Alchemist up to as long as Six months depending on the Degree of Armor he desires to create.