Sith Martial Arts
Sith Bare-Handed Keldaeris Martial Arts
In the days of the Great Sith War, Force-sensitive warriors battled each other on many battlegrounds. Occasionally, a Sith warrior would be forced to fight without his lightsaber, and after many lessons were learned the hard way, the Sith began to create their own martial arts style. After consulting the Dark Side for inspiration, they created a martial arts style that is as shadowy as their own souls, and began training certain apprentices in the skill. Even after the near-extinction of the Sith, the teachings are stored in Sith holocrons for future generations. Though the Martial Arts style does not use the Force directly, the Sith Force-enhanced reflexes add speed and skill to these maneuvers.
Sith Lightsaber Kelterek'dul Martial Arts
While both the Jedi and the Sith have long used lightsabers as their weapons of choice, both sides have also developed a martial arts style intended for use while holding a weapon. Once Keldaeris became popularized among Sith Warriors, slowly a second fighting style developed for use in the midst of lightsaber combat. Eventually, Kelterek'dul began to gain widespread attention as an excellent compliment to the deadly lightsabers, and in some circles was even taught parallel to the tenets of lightsaber combat.
Sith Lightsaber (double-bladed) Keldorek'dul Martial Arts
Keldorek'dul is a martial arts style similar to Kelterek'dul in that it is designed for use with a lightsaber. However, Keldorek'dul involves the use of the double-bladed lightsaber as the weapon of choice. This style was developed many years later, and most Sith warriors with double-bladed ligthsabers, including Darth Maul, were proficient in this style. When the Emperor commissioned his Royal Guard's training, he studied Darth Maul's journals and provided this fighting style as one of the bases of echani.
Teräs Käsi Martial Arts
Brawling: teräs käsi martial arts is a rare specialization. A person must study full-time under a master of teräs käsi for six months to acquire the first pip in the specialization. Improving teräs käsi costs the Character Points equal to the number before the "D"; the training time one day for every Character Point spent; the cost is doubled if the character does not have a teacher. The training time may be reduced by one day for each extra Character Point spent.
Imperial Royal Guard Echani Martial Arts Style
Echani is the name of the martial arts style taught to all Royal Guardsmen as they train to serve their Emperor on the planet Yinchorr. It combines some of the most savage hand-to-hand combat techniques with maneuvers designed to drop potential threats to the Emperor to the ground in seconds. It is viciously offensive, and is in its own right a symbol of the savagery of the Empire. It is designed to be used with bare hands, or in conjunction with a force pike or double-bladed vibrostave, and those few outside the Royal Guard who have witnessed it have seldom lived long enough to describe it.
Jala'ishi Martial Arts Style
Jala'ishi is a fairly rare form of martial art used by the Storm Commandos. The martial arts program was implemented into Storm Commando training after Crix Madine left, and has remained experimental throughout the years. Few Storm Commandos are trained in jala'ishi, but those who are are stealthy and deadly. The history of the martial arts style has been lost, rewritten, and lost again so many times that few remember its true origins. However, it is speculated that the style was created sometime during the Clone Wars, though no one can say for sure.
Jala'ishi is a combination of silent maneuvers and deadly attacks, and the Grand Masters of the art are said to be the best infiltrators in the Galaxy. The few Storm Commandos who proved to be truly adept at the art are rarely used, and are instead kept in reserve for missions of the ultimate importance. It is even said that some of the members of the Royal Guard were drawn from these Storm Commando units, though it is not known whether or not this is true.
Jensaarai Rek'dul Martial Arts Style
Rek'dul is the name of the fighting style used by the Jensaarai during combat. While many of its maneuvers do not involve the use of a lightsaber, its style is meant to complement and be used at the same time as a lightsaber. The style requires that the lightsaber hilt be held like a dagger, blade down and angled at the ground towards the ground, opposite hand on the pommel of the weapon to manipulate it. The style also requires that the blade stay angled toward the rear of the fighting stance, in essence pointing the blade away from an opponent, but adding leverage for longer strikes. This style was taught by Nikkos Tyris, and appears to be a combination of Sith martial arts and the lightsaber-dueling style of many Old Republic Jedi, such as Adi Gallia.
K'tara Martial Arts
K'tara is a martial arts style practiced primarily by SpecForce units, though it is not rare in other martial arts circles. Like Vula Nelprin's teachings, it is a fairly well-balanced style, with slight emphasis on quieter and more efficient attacks. It is less flashy than other martial arts styles, and is primarily functional and efficient. It uses both hands and feet, but since a SpecForce trooper will typically be carrying a weapon, more often than not the kicks and leg maneuvers are the ones which see the most action.
Shadow Arts Martial Arts Style
When the Eleven Elders of the People began their crusade for vengeance against those who had ruined their dream, they knew that it would take a specially skilled warrior in order to exact proper revenge, and provide a useful skill as a mercenary. Through study and discipline, they crafted a martial arts style that fit their close-combat preferred mode of fighting. This new martial arts style, which they dubbed "Shadow Arts" after their organization's name, is taught to each Mistryl warrior for use in the field. Focusing on quick subdual and disarmament, the use of Shadow Arts is what makes Mistryl so attractive as bodyguards. The quickness of the maneuvers, as well as their effectiveness in eliminating sources of danger, create a famed method of protecting themselves and their charges in the most rapid manner possible