The Sith Empire
Throughout the existance of the Sith Order, there have been a variety of empires either established, or ruled by the Sith:
- Adas's Sith Empire - established by the Sith race of Korriban, following their victory over the invading Rakata and relocation to the neighboring planet of Ziost (pre-republic).
- The 'First' Sith Empire - founded by Dark Jedi expelled from the Jedi Order and consequently the Galactic Republic.
- The Brotherhood of the Sith - also known as 'The Sith Empire' to some, established by Exar Kun during the Great Sith War.
- The Sith Empire - established by Darth Revan during the Jedi Civil War.
- The Sith Triumvirate - formed from the survivors of Revan's Empire by Darth Traya, Darth Nihilus & Darth Sion.
- The Sith Empire - established by the Immortal Lord Vitiate in approximately 4,980 BBY from remnants of the 'First' Sith Empire following the Great Hyperspace War. This Empire fought the Republic during the First & Second Great Galactic Wars, and a Cold War between the two.
- The 'New' Sith Empire - established by Darth Ruin during the New Sith Wars.
- The Brotherhood of Darkness - formed from the remnants of the 'New' Sith Empire by Sith Lord Skere Kaan, who previously defected to the 'New' Sith from his previous position as a Master within the Jedi Order.
- The Galactic Empire - established and ruled by the Sith, although not realistically a Sith Empire.
- The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances - Ruled by Darth Caedus, though again not really a Sith Empire.
- The 'One Sith's' Galactic Empire - established by Darth Krayt following the end of the Sith-Imperial War, not to be confused with the Fel Empire.