History of the Sith

The history of the Sith Lord is a long and fearsome one, running the gamut from nameless dark apparition to the most fearsome Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Vader, the one-time powerful Jedi Anakin Skywalker, under whose reign of terror entire civilization were exterminated and the Jedi Knights nearly wiped out.

The schism of the Jedi.

The story of the Sith is filled with bloody internal strife, wars against the Galactic Republic and constant battles against the Jedi Knights, the upholders of the light side of the Force.

Galactic historians believe there has been a rift between the light side and the dark side of the Force almost since the foundation of the Jedi Order some 25,000 standard years before the Battle of Yavin. The incarnation of the Sith is the result of a rogue Jedi dissident from the order. This Dark Jedi had come to the understanding that the true power of the Force lay not through contemplation and passivity, the dark side revealed the true potential of the Force. The Jedi Council at the time balked at this new direction.

The Dark Jedi was outcast, but eventually gained followers to his new order and eventually built an entire army of dark siders. For the next century, a deadly war swept the galaxy, destroying planets and civilizations before the Jedi Knights prevailed.

The rise of the Sith.

Vanquished, the few remaining Dark Jedi fled across the galaxy into the Unknown Regions, beyond the borders of the Republic. These castaways discovered the planet Korriban and there the Sith people, the Force flowed strongly through their bloodlines. Although they did not practice the Force as the Jedi would, they were talented in their own brand of magic. The Dark Jedi outcasts set themselves up as gods on Korriban, the primitive Sith worshipped them as their lords, and so the Dark Jedi grew. Millennia of hybridizing blurred the distinction between Sith native and offworlders and the term Sith came to encompass not only the indigenous people of Korriban, but also the powerful overlords that ruled them. With unlimited resources and manpower and a long time to forge an evil empire far from the inquisitive eyes of the Republic and the Jedi Knights, the Sith entered a Golden Age.

But about five thousand standard years before the Battle of Yavin, an explorer ship stumbled upon the hidden worlds of the Sith, this way the Republic discovered the Sith empire. An ambitious Dark Lord of the Sith named Naga Sadow decided he could conquer the vast Republic and began the Great Hyperspace War, and it would be the first of many terrible conflicts between Jedi and Sith.

Time and again the Sith and Jedi would clash, with devastated worlds lying in their wake. The last great conflict took place on the scarred plains of Ruusan. The Sith Lord Kaan and his Brotherhood of the Darkness did battle with the Jedi Army of Light. The Sith army were defeated by the Jedi Knights, other outbreaks of warfare among the Sith themselves took place over the next thousand years.

The New Sith Order.

Around a thousand standard years before the Battle of Yavin, a new Sith Lord escaped from the onslaught, one whose life still remains mostly in the shadows, but who had a major impact on events in the galaxy: Darth Bane. He understood well how the Sith order nearly self-destructed and knew that without a new self-discipline, and the utmost stealth, the Sith would never survive to truly vanquish the Jedi.

It was Darth Bane who enforced the single most important diktat of the New Sith Order, there could be but two Sith, a Master and an apprentice. He enforced a new restraint that was so complete and lasted so long that the Jedi Council believed that the Sith had been completely vanquished. But in utmost secrecy, and in an unbroken chain for nearly a millennium, the evil Sith ways of the Force were passed down from Master to apprentice.

The revealing of the dark side.

Finally, some 32 standard years before the Battle of Yavin, around the time of the blockade of Naboo, the Sith made their presence known. While Darth Sidious, a shadowy Sith Lord, who studied the ancient ruins on the Sith mausoleum world of Korriban, manipulated Galactic politics behind the scenes as the senator Palpatine, his fearsome apprentice Darth Maul took on the Jedi openly. Darth Maul was sent by Darth Sidious to locate Queen Amidala, the Queen had escaped from Naboo with the help of two Jedi: Qui-Gon Jinn and his padawan learner Obi-Wan Kenobi, those Jedi were sent by Supremem Chancellor Valorum as ambassadors of the Republic; nevertheless the negotiation didn't take place and the Jedi then found the Queen and escaped with her to Coruscant.

The Queen's ship was seriously damaged by the Trade Federation starships and they had to land in the remote planet of Tatooine, a planet so far that the Republic laws weren't recongnized. Unable to buy the parts necessary to repair the ship, they accepted the help from a young slave called Anakin Skywalker. Qui-Gon soon discovered that Skywalker was powerful in the Force. The plan was that Anakin would run in the Pod Race in Boonta Eve and Watto, the owner of Anakin and his mother, would supply the parts if he would win, if not Watto would own the Queen's ship, Watto also bet that Anakin wouldn't win if he would win Anakin would freed. Anakin runned the race and defeated Sebulba to win the race. Qui-Gon got the parts and Anakin Skywalker, he promised his mother that Anakin would become a Jedi because the Jedi thought he was the chosen one who would bring balance to the Force, an ancient prophecy.

A few minutes before board the ship Darth Maul ignited his red-bladed lightsaber and took on Qui-Gon, Anakin boarded the ship while Qui-Gon fighted with the fierce Sith. Qui-Gonn jumped and reached the ship escaping from Maul.

In Coruscant, by the influence of Senator Palpatine, Queen Amidala called a vote of no confidence to Chancellor Valorum. Amidala decided that she would return to Naboo to free his people. Once there Amidala and the Gungans army agreed a plan. The battle droid army and the gungans fighted outside Theed, the Naboo capital, during this time Amidala, the two Jedi and part of the royal guard infiltrated into the castle. Darth Maul was inside and the Jedi fighted with them while Amidala was tooking prisioner the Trade Federation viceroy. The two Jedi tried to strik the Sith down but Darth Maul was powerful with his double-bladed lightsaber. The Jedi separated and Maul murdered Qui-Gon Jinn, in a spectacular battle where Obi-Wan Kenobi dueled with Darth Maul, but Maul hit with the Force to Kenobi and this one

The falling of the Republic.

Eventually Darth Sidious became Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. By this time the ability to use the force of the Jedi had diminished. A former Jedi Count Dooku turned into the dark side of the Force adopted the name of Darth Tyranus and became ally of Darth Sidious. Count Dooky leaded the Confederacy of Independent Systems a separatist group of the Galactic Republic. Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered that a Jedi Sifo-Dyas agreed a clone army in the far world of Kamino. Obi-Wan Kenobi also discovered that Jango Fett, a skilled bounty hunter was the original model and that he tried to kill senator Padmé. In a spectacular duel of habilities Kenobi and Jango Fett fighted but the last one escaped with his son Boba Fett to Geonosis. obi-Wan Kenobi followed them but he was captured in Geonosis, Darth Tyranus tried to persuade him to join him. While Kenobi was captive in Geonosis his padawan Anakin Skywalker was protecting senator Padmé, but he had dreams of his mother in pain. Anakin and Padmé went to Tatooine, Anakin tried to save his mother, who was kidnapped by tusken raiders, but she died in the Anakin's arms. Dominated by hate Anakin Skywalker killed everyone in the tusken raiders camp, Skywalker was falling into the dark side.

Skywalker and Padmé went to Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan, but they were captured and the three were sentenced to death. In the execution arena suddenly arrived Jedi Master Mace Windu with dozens of Jedi, but they were outnumbered by the droid armies, many Jedi and Jango Fett were killed. Suddenly Yoda and the clone army fighted against the droid armies. The Battle of Geonosis started the Clone Wars, hundreds of clones and hundreds of droid battled but the clones were superior. Count Dooku took the Death Star plans with him and just before leave Obi-Wan and Anakin stopped him. Dooku was a swordmaster and powerful in the force, Anakin suffered the effects of his electric rays and Obi-Wan was wounded by his red-blade lightsaber. Anakin trying to save Obi-Wan lost one arm, the Jedi were to die but in that moment Master Yoda arrived. Dooku and his former master, Yoda, fighted in a duel of lightsabers Yoda was even a better swordmaster, so Dooku created a distraction, he throw a heavy column over the wounded Jedi but Yoda saved them using the Force. Dooku escaped to Coruscant and gave the Death Star plans to Darth Sidious.

Towards the end of the Clone Wars the young Jedi Anakin Skywalker was seduced by the dark side of the Force. Skywalker challenged his master, Obi-Wan, to a duel. Despite newfound power bestowed by the dark side, which added to his already formidable abilities, Skywalker was grievously wounded in the fight.

The Revenge of the Sith.

He survived only with the help of the armor and cyborg implants that sustained his life, he became the most powerful Lord of the Sith: Darth Vader. Palpatine, by that time, instituted a military build-up unprecedented in galactic history; he created the New Order, the Galactic Empire that ruled by tyranny. Palpatine ordered to Vader command the extinction of the Jedi Knights, as an agent of the Emperador, Vader was merciless killer. Darth Vader personally slew and crippled such notable Jedi Knights as Halagad Ventor and Empatojayos Brand, even he had the opportunity of duel again with his former and old Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and killed him on board the Death Star. The slaughter of the Jedi was widespread, only a few of them survived, but several Force-sensitive individuals were spared to act as agents of the Emperor, Mara Jade was one of the most skilled assassin, she learned many talents in the Force while serving her dark master.

Somehow Darth Vader found out that he had a son, Luke Skywalker, and he was learning the ways of the light side of the Force. Vader and the Emperor Palpatine plotted turn him in the dark side of the Force. Vader pursued him by the entire Galaxy and finally was captured in the moon of Endor and was taken before the Emperor, this one pitted father and son in a lightsaber duel. Vader, probing Skywalker's mind, learned of his daughter, Princess Leia Organa, then he threatened to turn her to the dark side. Luke Skywalker gave into his hatred and almost killed Vader. Horrified by what he had become, Luke abandoned his newfound dark side rage and refused Emperor's offers of dark power.

The collapse of the Sith.

Palpatine decided the death of young Skywalker and unleashed deadly lightning bolts into Luke's body with searing pain. Vader, watching his son writhe in agony, grabbed a surprised Palpatine from behind and tossed his evil master down a bottomless reactor shaft, but Vader was bombarded by Emperor's Force lightning, mortally wounding him. Vader ceased to be and the Jedi Anakin Skywalker returned and died.

But Sith was not defeated yet, the Emperor, had used for years, in the distant planet of Byss, Spaarti cloning cylinders to create a store of younger bodies, and employed and ancient Sith technique to transfer his consciousness into a body, but separated from his clones the ghost of Palpatine was forced to live bodiless. Meanwhile dark agents like Mara Jade were turned to the light side of the Force.

The last strike of the Sith.

The former Galactic Empire was fragmented but not completely destroyed, Palpatine wished take over the New Republic and restore his Empire, it was when Palpatine resurrected in a new body, and using his powerful dark abilities to invoke a Force storm, and Palpatine swept Luke Skywalker to Byss, there he revealed himself to Jedi Master Skywalker. In order to defeat to the dark side from within, Skywalker turned to the dark side and became the new Palpatine's apprentice. But Skywalker was not a complete Sith and was turned again to the light side only with the help of his twin sister Princess Leia. Nevertheless the Empire was growing with the help of a new superweapon: the Galaxy Gun, which force to many Republic world to capitulate to the Empire.

In despite of the facts, the clones of Palpatine was failing, he needed new blood, he targeted the newborn son of Princess Leia and Han Solo, Anakin Solo, as the next receptacle of his dark spirit. During the attempt to possess the body, Han Solo shot him in the back, and before the Palpatine's soul could enter into Anakin's body he was intercepted by a newfound Jedi, Empatojayos Brand and finally the last Sith truly died.