Sith 'Magic'

The power of Sith magic was one of the most prominent reasons for the Sith's long reign of terror in the galaxy. The place of magic in Sith society was an ancient one long before the dark Jedi came to Ziost, and combined with the power of the dark side of the Force, many new spells and uses for the magic were created and discovered.

Illusion seems to be the most used Sith magic. Mainly used in battle, it created images of ships, warriors, and warbeasts that were not really there. However, the Sith's enemy could not tell the difference between illusion and the real forces, and thus surrendered thinking itself outnumbered by the Sith troops. Even Jedi could not tell between Sith illusion and reality (as seen in The Fall of the Sith Empire and Dark Lords of the Sith).

These illusions were usally the product of one powerful Sith magician inside a special "meditation chamber." Inside this chamber, the magician would hold an object such as a weapon or a jewel, into which the dark powers would be focused. When ordinary objects were not powerful enough for focusing, the Sith used Sith amulets. The magician then focused on the form of the illusions, which would then appear in the desired place. Illusion required intense concentration. As soon as the magician's concentration was interrupted, if only for a second, the illusion would disappear. Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow was an experienced user of such illusions, as was Krath leader Aleema Keto.

Another lesser used but much more powerful magic was the creation of monsters. Lord Naga Sadow used this technique after his exile to Yavin IV as a way of preserving his empire. The first time, he used alchemy to alter his Sith warriors into the bestial, semi-sentient race of Massassi. He then created monsters to guard his temples and ship in case the Massassi failed. It is unknown whether Sadow altered any form of living being into these monsters, but the creatures he created are so grotesque and nightmarish it is hard to imagine them ever having been living creatures before Sadow's arrival.

Some dark side powers that may have been enhanced with Sith magic include dark side healing (the healing Freedon Nadd performed on Exar Kun), the making of Sith poison, which enhances dark side emotions such as anger and fear, and foretelling. It is speculated that Lord Marka Ragnos forsaw the ascension of Exar Kun to the title of Dark Lord of the Sith and recorded a message in one of the Sith amulets that would be activated thousands of years later by Kun himself.

It is obvious that there are many other kinds of Sith magic, both great and small, but they have unfortunately not been recorded in the historical records of the Sith. In The Fall of the Sith Empire, as Naga Sadow is about to use the power of illusion, he states: "I must concentrate...use the old and forbidden Sith ways." This statement suggests that many uses of Sith magic had been banned in earlier times. Perhaps even the Sith found some powers to be too dangerous and uncontrollable.

After the Great Hyperspace War and the devastation of both Sadow's and Kressh's fleets, most of the Sith were wiped out. The Sith still remaining in the empire were without the guidance and protection since Kressh had been killed, Sadow exiled, and most of the lesser Sith lords had chosen to either side with Kressh or Sadow and were destroyed in the battle. One can conclude that the indigineous inhabitants of the systems in the Sith empire wasted no time in hunting down the remaining Sith and reclaiming their territory.

I am the haunter of the embracing dark.
I am the bringer of fear.
I am the scorner of peace and tranquility.
I ride the stormcloud and the night!

I seek to crush the commonplace.
I seek to strike terror in every heart.
I know no passion or pity.
I seek to be Sith, in all its manifestations...