The Scroll of Sith Magic

Magic is a thunder heard across the galaxy. Its power reverberates through the foundation of all Existence. It echoes the lightning of creation itself. In its voice is the promise of life and death. It is a power to be coveted and feared. The Dark Lord Istaran tells us magic draws its power from the original creation of the Universe. In the begining The One stretched out his hand amid the Chaos. The motion of his hand ordered chaos into infinite possibilities of creation. This motion was the first Order out of Chaos. It is called the Wave Prime or more often simply the Force.

Istaran saw in the Force the creation of the ethereal and the physical, and the seeing of it made it so. In the creation of the spiritual and the physical, the Force split into two sets of waves, each infinite in their possibilities. Each of the two waves were the same but diffrent, one of the Light and one of the Dark.The two waves curved away from each other and back again. The waves crossed and where they crossed was created time and space. Thrus Reality woven from the two Forces.

With delight and wonder, Istaran looked again upon both waves. In the ethereal or Light side he saw the creation of life and mind; in the physical or Dark side he saw death and power.....and the seeing of it made it so. Again, in its creation, the waves of the ethereal and physical possibilities of new creation. Istaran saw these new possibilites as they were woven. In the intersection of the waves was born Life, Death, Power and Mind.
The longer Istaran looked upon the weave of Reality, the more possibilities split into being. Stars, worlds, life--in short, all creation---was thrus woven from infinite possibilities. So it was in the time of Istaran and so it is today.

Reality is simply the manifestation of intersecting waves of possibility. It is a vast and almost incomprehensible weave of solid physics in the midst of a myriad of infinite potentials. Science, technology and biology all used the woven rope of reality.

Magic on the other hand, functions by reweaving the fabric of reality. A Sith Magician begins by consentrating on the wave of probabilities rather than on reality itself. Through the Force his learning and his power, he looks out upon the myriad waves of infinite possibilities to find that part of the wave where his desired reality would be true. Then the Sith Magicain creates a harmonic wave of possibility to bend the existing wave so that what was once only possible becomes part of what is true. In this way the Sith Magican weaves his desire into existence.

For example, a Sith Magician stands on the field of battle against a great Jedi Knight. The Magician,wearing only his robes is at the mercy of the armed and more powerful Jedi Knight. This is reality and, if left alone, the Jedi Knight will most likely slay the Sith Magician without much resistance. However, the Sith Magicain knows from his study where the possibility (desired effect) of a protective shield exists on one of countless waves of possibility. The Sith Magician sets up a harmonic wave of possibility through his motions, thoughts, words, signs and other aids. This magic alters the possibility wave so that what was once the possibility of a magical shield is woven into reality. The new reality includes the desired effect and so the magical shield now guards the Sith Magician.

Although, to the outside observer, the protective field seems to spring up around the Sith Magician from nothing, it would be more accurate to say the possibility of such a field has been called into reality from infinite possibilities of the Chaos.

To use magic, one must be able to find and weave the appropriate portion of Chaos in some small degree. This is far from omnipotence or omniscience, even among those who see a vast section of theForce. Being able to function in the discipline of magic does not explain why magic exists or its origins. It does not lead one to the reason for being. Just as knowing a rock will fall when dropped does not tell us why gravity exists or what intelligence brought such order out of chaos, so it is, too, with magic.

Only the Jedi and us of the Sith understand magic. But we of the Sith are the only ones to understand it to the fullest. We have seen magic from the center of Chaos, we mastered the art in most elemental and powerful form. No others have seen as much of the Force as we have.

The Scroll of Sith Masteries

The greatest force of all is the Sith Rune magic, which combines the waves of Life, Power, Mind and Death into a comprehension of the central weave of reality and a clear picture of the infinite possibilities of Chaos. Those who have mastered Sith Rune magic are said to have reached the Ninth Mastery or better known as a Sith Magician. The knowledge and potency of the Sith Rune Disciplines are all tied directly to the Rune siglas which are used in the casting of such spells. With the end of the Great Sith War only we of the Sith and the Krath(if they still exist) have the knowledge of Sith Rune Magics. The unified magic of Sith Rune Magic is then divided into the four Lesser Houses of Firmament(Air), Sun(Fire), Spring(Water) and Dark(Earth). Together they are known as the Sith Masteries. The Sith Masteries represents Eight Mastery, and are second only to Sith Rune Magic in power. Each of the Sith Masteries is the further divided equally into Spiritual and Physical Masteries. The Spiritual masteries tend toward mental and emotional manipulation of the world about the magician. The Physical Masteries tend to use and make use of physical objects in the world about the Sith magician.

Both the Spiritual and Physical Masteries are further divided into the Greater and Lesser Disciplines in each House. Those of the Greater Disciplines are known as Adept Advocate while those of the Lesser House are known as Adept Servitor. Adept Advocate include Fifth through Seventh Masteries while Adept Servitor is made up of First through Fourth Masteries. The term "greater" and "lesser" are somewhat deceptive in that the Lesser Disciplines are the broadest based and most commonly used of the magics. The Greater Disciplines, while more powerful. also tend to be more specialized.

After the Great Sith War the Krath vanished and us of the Sith jealousy guarded Sith Rune Magic from anyone else learning it. This brought about the loss of any magic greater than the Seventh Mastery being learned by anyone else in the galaxy. Sith Rune Magic is now unknown among any being in the Universe. It remains a carefully guarded secret.

Scroll of Sith Rune Magic

Rune magic is the most powerful manifestation of all the magics present in the Universe. Rune magic weaves all the elements of the various Sith Masteries into a single magic whole.

The key to Sith Rune (or Runic) Magic is that the harmonic wave that weaves a possibility into existence must be created with as much simultaneity as possible. This means that the various movements, signs, words, thoughts and elements that go into making up a harmonic wave must be completed as close together as possible. The more simultaneous the harmonic wave structure, the more balanced will be maintained in the wave and the more powerful the magic itself. This rather like the difference between throwing a lightsaber end over end and spiraling it. A wheel which is rolled straight will roll farther than one which is sent wobbling.

To attain this simultaneity, both the Krath and us of the Sith have developed magical languages and structures to convey our magic. Used only for magic this language is unlike any other used in the Galaxy. A second, more traditional language is used for standard communication by both the Sith and the Krath when they are using magic together. The Sith Rune language is not so much spoken (although that is a element) as it is performed.

The common element in both languages is their simultaneity. Traditional languages are sequential in their structure along a single channel, linear lines. When one reads words on a page, he reads letter after letter, word after word, sentence after sentence to build up a complete thought or meaning of the text. This means he is taking in the message through only one channel or source of experience at a time. When people watch someone speaking they are using several different channels at a time, sight,words spoken, gestures, poise and lighting.

The complexity, balance and harmony of magic require perfection in simultaneous communication of the magician's harmonic waves. this is generally conveyed through performance of the magic by the Sith Magician through words, tones, gestures and motion. In Sith Rune Magic, the simultaneity is bound up in the concept of non-linear written language.

The Rune languages have evolved into two separate types along the lines of the Krath and Sith cultures. Both operate the rune principles of the universe but their structure and methods are somewhat different.

Scroll of Sith Rune Magic II

The Sith use a hexagonal structure which is generally conveyed through six channels of communication at the same time. This involved the use of runes which are either drawn into or on an object or created in the air through preformance. In preformance, the casting Sith Magician is limited to three channels which include sound(auditory with complex harmonics), shape(gestures), mind(telepathic projections). The use of structured runes at the same time (sigla inscribed on objects such as staves, wands, rings, amulets or any property positioned object) can communicate the remaining three elements of the pattern.

All Sith Rune structures are built in hexagonal pattern emanating from the Central Rune. This rune is the source of the magic being cast and the point from which all the magical structures springs. The Central Rune determines the thrust of the spell structure. In Sith Rune magic, this Central Rune may be of any type from any of the Sith Materies of magic. In complex spells, then, it is essential in the reading of the spell that one understands which rune is the Central Rune. Two separate spells which have identical runes in identical positions may have vastly different effects if they have different Central Runes.

The Central Rune structures bring the power of magic into the complex of the rune spell. These structures begine with the Central Rune itself: a rune which designates the source of magic coming from either Power, Mind, Life, or Death.

This Central Rune is flanked on its lower left side by the Patriarch (the rune proceding it as seen in the illustration). It is flanked on its lower right by the Matriarch (the rune folling the Patriarch for that Central Rune). These support the Central Rune and give it direction to the power of magic welling up from the runes below it.

Directly below the Central Rune is the Master Rune. The top of the Master Rune borders the bottom of the Central Rune and touches on both the Patriarch and the Matriarch. This rune determines whether the nature of the power called forth will be Spiritual or Physical in nature and completes the Rune Structure. Nearly always, other runes connect to the Master Rune from below to further define and amplify the power of the magic being cast.

The Central Rune is flanked on the upper left side by the Light Side Rune and on its upper right side by the Dark Side Rune. These runes determine the amplitude (how much power) and vector (direction) to which the harmonic wave will be applied into the complex where the Central Rune Structure is found.

Between the Ligh Side Rune and the Dark Side Rune is the head Rune which completes the Central Rune structure. The head rune is part of a further complex of runes which transfers the elements of the Central Rune structure into the general harmonic of the magic being called into existence.

This is the great secret in Sith Rune Magic. The location of the Central Rune is know only to those who learn its location from the Rune's creator . Much of a Sith Magician's training involves learning how to detmine the Centeral Rune as well as simple rote memory of the locations of such runes. Without a Sith Magician to teach the location of these Central Runes, the chances of understanding our magical writings is negligible

Krath Rune Magic Little is known about Krath magic except that which may help identify them. Like Sith Rune Magic, Krath Rune Magic also seeks the perfect balance in the harmonic wave. However, it does not find its balance through symmetry of structure. Krath Rune Magic looks for balance in weighted opposites.

The Krath use a series of interlaced octagons and squares to form the pattern of their magic. Octagons form the Source, Course, and Destiny of Krath Rune Magic. Squares form the Branch, Juncture and Cascade of the magic. Comnbinations of these elements create the magic along eight simultaneous channels of thought.

As with Sith Rune Magic, the Centeral Rune is critical to the success of understanding and using magic.

Krath Rune Magic uses substructures--rather like runes within runes. Runes formed of other runes then imitate the concepts of Central, Stem, or other structures found in Sith Rune Magic, in a much more cocise way. However, their nature is somewhat erratic and their use, unless carefully balanced, can lead to great lessening of the desired effect.