The Sith War
The first war between our kind and those of light has never been documented anywhere except here in this scroll. If anybody is to know I am writing of this, I will not live long, for our masters have forbid anyone of the Sith to ever record what happened. As for the hated Light-siders, they will not tell the future about these events just for the sake of such war never starting again. If they were to do otherwise, this war would certainly be ignited once again like the blade of a 'saber. Many have laid their lives down in the war, so many even we lost track and count of the number of bodies. The conflict was fought on every planet and on both fronts. For long, no side had the winning edge, for both of us had equal numbers. The balance of the universe...hmm... a concept so vague and yet so clear. "Treat anyone standing in your way as an enemy... eliminate them." say the magicians. And yet, how can you eliminate something just as powerful and just as cunning as you and not be destroyed yourself? The numbers of the Light jedi are equal to number in us, let it not be mistaken. The Light siders are neither weak nor stupid. They are almost as powerful in the Force as we are. Why they choose to follow their religion, I do not know. The Dark Side seems to be so much more powerful. The Light Jedi have chosen to be guardians of the galaxy, guardians against such as us. But we, we will triumph, for light has no power in the true Darkness. A candle can not overpower the Darkness of a giant underground cave. If only a Dark Lord were with us, one of the ancient ones, those with true power. He would wipe out half of these infidels with a move of his hand, and another half with slash of the lightsaber. But we choose not to learn more of our ancient magic, but instead destroy the very scrolls on which the spells and runes are scribed. I do not know why the magicians try to win this war without the use of magic, but by force of a 'saber and by force of the laser. Those of the light and those of the darkness achieve equality in the power of the Force. In the end, nothing will remain, for we will wipe each other out without a trace.
Sith Scroll of Control
With respect to the Force, there are two types of control; control over others and control of one's self. When one hears control over others, they immediately think to the Dark Side and when one hears control of one's self they think of the Light. While it is true that Jedi do not control others, rather they help them, it is a myth that Dark Jedi do not need control over one's self. In fact, the more self-control a Dark Jedi has, the more powerful they can be. If a Dark Sider can control his feeling of hatred, anger and fear he will be able to use the Dark Side of the Force more efficiently. With control over one's anger, that Dark Sider can choose when to be angry and to what degree that anger will be to, making his powers more dangerous. With control over hatred a Dark Jedi can choose who he hates and who he doesn't, and to what degree he dislikes people too. With this power he can easily defeat difficult enemies.
Control over others is an important part of the Sith. With Dark Side powers any one can control over other, weaker, non-Force users. Control over others can be easily attained by inspiring fear into the population through force. Light Jedi felt it was better to help others than to control them but there devotion to goodness was foolish. The Dark Side is a privilege few have and they should use the power to their advantage.
While the Light Side feels selflessness is righteous the Dark Side knows better. Control over all; your environment, yourself and others is what any Sith should do
Sith Scroll of Shadows
Having done extensive research into that darker plane of existence, the Shadow Realm, I, Tombstone, pen this scroll for all to see... The First Sith Scroll tells us Sith means Chaos. Shadow is a purer form, a darker one. The Shadow realm is a fathomless plane of misery, terror, and the wailing essence of those who died miserably. The greater powers of the Sith, banished from existence, and seeking advancement, both hide amongst the layers of the Shadow. When dealing with ANY spell which involves Shadowmagik, one must always be aware of the nature of the plane. The inherent misery of the Shadow Realm is such that it seeks to draw all other planes into itself, thereby plunging the multiverse into darkness. There is a heavy toll involved whenever one traffics with the Shadow, and, one who is too ambitious, or careless, may found himself drawn into its folds. Since only the most powerful of our ranks have any means of traveling between planes, becoming sucked into the Shadow Realm is a permanent sentence for most. The denizens of the Shadow Realm are all smaller embodiments of the overall bitterness of the plane. All manner of beasts and beings reside in the abyssal depths of the Shadow, and they all seek to further their strength within that realm. They will do this through any means available, even making pacts with creatures from the Prime, sometimes even other Demons or greater Fiends. The powers of the Shadow are no small matter, and should be used with only the utmost of caution. To become a true master of the Shadow, one must learn all the ins and outs of the Realm. The powers which can be gained from using the limitless reservoirs of unfocused Darkside energy within the Shadow Realm may seem alluring, but, to the foolhardy, they mean only an early death. While many aspects of the Darkside focus on rage, anger, and hate, those who dabble into Shadowmagik must embrace terror, misery, and grief. You must become a master of these sides of existence before you can even hope to survive the ravaging essence of the Shadow Realm. Seek no fast roads to experience through the Shadow Realm, for there is no quick way to power
Words of a Great Sith Alchemist
As I flee the foolish Dark Lords, I record this for future need, or for those who oppose the Dark Lords of the Sith. This is what you must know. By focusing the Rele'kelnar rune, which will create the explosion to eradicate your enemies, with the Massass rune, one must only invoke the Sith Master rune to magnify this power to truly galactic heights. This is a method I have used myself, and with the Sith Master rune, which can be gently controlled (And gently, because it has the power to utterly eradicate you), that can enhance the power of a Rune geometrically, it can do anything from eliminating hostile ships to utterly destroy an entire star system. If one wishes to enhance this effect, adding the Velinar rune to create fire and burn, will only increase the effect, but as the viewer of this should know, the more complexity to a rune, the more difficult and dangerous it is. Heed my words, and enemies shall scream in throes of agony with the power of the Dark Side!
Hear the words of the reigning Dark Lord of the Sith, Jak Vilnessa, Jedi! --As discovered by Dev
Chaos is the core of the Universe. It lies at the heart of the Force, and using the Force requires using Chaos, even if one does not know one is tapping into Chaos. This is rarely dangerous, as Chaos is present in miniscule amounts controllable even to fools with no power. However, for one who seeks true power, eventually one will reach a limit. To progress further, it is discovered, Chaos must be manipulated - not pushed, not shoved - gently, gently nudged, fo one error could mean you never existed.
Such is the power of Chaos.
But to one who is skilled and daring, a Sith Magician of the first order, Chaos may be manipulated for amazing power and effects, far beyond that which could be achieved through mere use of the Force. Star systems themselves can be destroyed. Planets, eradicated. People, never lived.
Such is the power of Chaos.
Yet, Chaos is not like the Force, a massive sense that has an aura of sameness all around. Reaching the Dark Side of the Force here is the same as over there. Chaos is utterly different. Composed by threads of probability and what might be and what probably will not be, and infinite other levels of probability. The many levels is what gives Chaos its power, coupled with its randomness.
A Sith Magician is in space. He is being pursued by a bounty hunter in a fast, well equipped ship. What are the chances of the Bounty Hunter's ship having a critical core breach and exploding? Surely impossible. The Sith Magician reaches out and senses through the infinite possibilities, and there is one that fits the description. By now using the Force to nudge Chaos, he is able to make this a reality - the bounty hunter's ship core breaches and he is a victim of the power of the Sith!
Such is the power of Chaos.