Galactic History 16: The Alsakan Conflicts
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During the boom of the early Republic expansion, dissent arose from the unlikeliest of quarters; the planet Alsakan. Colonized by the first explorers from Coruscant long before the development of the hyperdrive, Alsakan had been a member of the Core Worlds for centuries.
But as the planet grew more powerful and influential, its Senators believed that Alsakan, not Coruscant, should be the capital of the Republic. A series of skirmishes called the "Alsakan Conflicts" broke out, slowing Republic growth as it tried to quell Alsakan's forces.
Despite the best efforts of Republic diplomats and generals, Alsakan remained belligerent, and seventeen such uprisings would occur over the next several thousand years. Later, the battle cruisers built during the Alsakan Conflicts would inspire the Republic's Invincible-class dreadnoughts.
Galactic History 17: The Duinuogwuin Contention
In their travels, the early Republic explorers encountered many bizarre and fascinating species. Most of these first contacts were peaceful, but while charting worlds in the Outer Rim, scouts encountered enormous, flame-breathing reptiles known as Duinuogwuin. The terrified scouts opened fire and fled the planet, eventually returning to Coruscant--only to discover they'd been followed. The Duinuogwuin began waging war against the capital in what would be called the "Duinuogwuin Contention."
Supreme Chancellor Fillorean, often criticized in the Senate for being hesitant and indecisive, ignored demands to mobilize the Republic Navy and attempted to communicate with the Duinuogwuin. To everyone's surprise, the Duinuogwuin were revealed to be intelligent and inherently peaceful. Supreme Chancellor Fillorean and the Duinuogwuin philosopher Borz'Mat'oh negotiated a treaty, and later even cooperated to found Coruscant's first university.
Galactic History 18: The Hutt Cataclysms
Text from the game:
Since its victories against the forces of the Tion Cluster, the Hutt Empire had continued to expand its influence. It now controlled dozens of systems, and the Hutt criminal enterprises extended even into Republic space.
But the greed of the Hutts was insatiable, and their long life spans meant grudges could be carried for centuries. Rivalries became open hostilities, until their entire empire was embroiled in the "Hutt Cataclysms," a series of conflicts that saw devastating weapons unleashed on Hutt-controlled worlds.
When the cataclysms ended, the Hutt homeworld of Varl and hundreds of Hutt colonies had been rendered lifeless. Seeking a new homeworld, the Hutts began relocating to the planet Evocar, slowly buying parcels of land from the Evocii people. Eventually, the Hutts owned the entire planet, which would later be called Nal Hutta--or more often, simply "Hutta," the "Glorious Jewel."
Galactic History 19: The Pius Dea Crusades
The Republic had been established on principles of free speech and tolerance for all sentient beings. Unfortunately, these principles also allowed the growth of fringe groups. During the term of Supreme Chancellor Pers'lya, a fanatical pro-human religious sect calling itself "Pius Dea" emerged.
Many dismissed Pius Dea as just another cult, but the group's intentions were much more sinister. Through political maneuvering, the members conspired to have Chancellor Pers'lya impeached and their own man, Senator Contispex, put in his place. Through Supreme Chancellor Contispex, Pius Dea exploited tensions within the Hutt Empire after the Hutt Cataclysms. Eventually Contispex sanctioned an invasion of Hutt Space, beginning the Pius Dea Crusades.
Over the next thousand years, Contispex's descendants--biological and ideological--would inherit his position, continuing to wage war against various alien factions until growing unrest brought Pius Dea's rule to an end. A new Chancellor was elected, free of Pius Dea's influence, and the Pius Dea "Supreme Temple" was destroyed... but the tensions created between the Core Worlds and the Outer Rim persisted for centuries to come.
Galactic History 20: Chancellor Blotus
After the Pius Dea Crusades, the Republic stagnated, forced to rebuild alliances Pius Dea had damaged. However, during the Rianitus Period, the Republic began to enjoy prosperity again under a new Supreme Chancellor, Blotus the Hutt.
Blotus had been the administrator of a network of mining worlds that split from the remnants of the former Hutt Empire. He and his worlds applied for Republic membership, and although tensions between Hutts and the Republic remained, Blotus proved both competent and popular in the Galactic Senate. He was eventually elected Supreme Chancellor by an overwhelming majority, and his position was solidified when his tax breaks for independent traders brought Coruscant into an economic boom and improved trade throughout the Core Worlds.
Blotus served a 275-year term and died peacefully in his sleep at the age of 912. His rule would be remembered with affection for centuries; even today, his favorite chair in the Senate tower's lounge is traditionally left empty.