Galactic History 66: The Jedi Covenant
The fall of Exar Kun and the destruction caused by the Great Sith War weighed heavily on the consciences of many Jedi. The Jedi seer Krynda Draay, who had lost her husband in the conflict, blamed herself for not foreseeing Exar Kun's corruption as a Sith Lord and decided to take action. Having trained the Order's visionaries for years, she secretly created a Jedi Covenant without the Council's knowledge, binding the most powerful Jedi seers into a WatchCircle.
The Covenant's task was simple: Watch for Sith influences and eliminate them before they become a threat. Funded by Krynda Draay's vast family wealth, the Covenant quietly recruited Jedi-usually those believed missing in action-as its shadows and operatives and sought out Sith artifacts to destroy. Meanwhile, its seers remained vigilant, watching through the Force for any approaching evil.
Galactic History 67: Mandalore the Ultimate
The Mandalorians had suffered not only defeat but humiliation in the Great Sith War. After their leader, Mandalore the Indomitable, crash-landed on Dxun and was devoured by wild beasts at the war’s end, a new warrior rose to take his place, later called “Mandalore the Ultimate.”
Deciding to bring in new blood, Mandalore opened the ranks of the Mandalorian Crusaders–once dominated by the followers of the ancient Taung, now fielding alien recruits. Calling themselves Neo-Crusaders, these warriors adopted traditional Mandalorian armor and training. Mandalore established a base on Dxun, testing his warriors against Dxun’s infamous predators. As their ranks grew, the Neo-Crusaders began to conquer worlds weakened in the Great Sith War.
Later Jedi would believe Sith influences propelled the Mandalorians into war, but the Mandalorians themselves claimed to be driven only by the chance for conquest and revenge.
Galactic History 68: The Mandalorians Return
The Mandalorians had never forgotten their humiliating defeat at the Republic’s hands during the Great Sith War. With his Neo-Crusader warriors prepared by a decade of conquest, Mandalore the Ultimate decided the time was right and launched an assault on the Republic. Several Zabrak colonies fell to the Mandalorian advance, under heavy blaster fire and the shadow of Basilisk war droids.
Finally provoked into action, the Republic appealed to the Jedi for military support, but the Council refused. The Masters believed there were greater forces at work behind the Mandalorian invasion than a simple lust for war. They wanted to remain apart from the conflict, believing the true threat would reveal itself in time.
However, some younger Jedi disagreed with the Council’s edict. These Jedi would form a splinter group, the “Revanchists,” and answer the Republic’s call for help.
Galactic History 69: The Mandalorian Wars
The Mandalorians had returned to take revenge on the Republic and sate their lust for war and conquest. With the Jedi Council refusing to lend military aid–believing the true threat was still unclear, and the risk of conflict-hardened Jedi falling to the darkness was high–the Republic was unable to prevent the Mandalorians from devastating the planet Cathar. Millions died. This was the last straw for several young Jedi, who disobeyed the Council to join the war effort.
The most notable was Revan, a charismatic and skilled leader who rose to the rank of general. Revan’s friend Alek, later known as Malak, distinguished himself on the front lines. Revan’s tactics and Malak’s unyielding strength turned the tide, helping the Republic forces to victory at Althir and Jaga’s Cluster.
But the Council did not approve. Seeing their rash involvement in the war and their gradual adoption of Mandalorian tactics, the Council watched Revan and Malak’s heroics uneasily, remembering the fall of Exar Kun.
Galactic History 70: The Covenant Acts
For years, the Jedi Covenant had existed secretly within the Jedi Order, dedicated to finding and destroying the next Sith threat before it began. Then, during a mission with their Padawans, the Covenant seers had a terrifying vision: a Sith Lord in red destroying the galaxy. The Covenant realized their Padawans were wearing red environmental suits, exactly like the Sith Lord in their vision.
The Jedi Covenant made a solemn decision. To ensure the galaxy’s safety, their Padawans had to be killed before the prophecy was fulfilled. The terrible deed was done on Taris during the Padawans’ knighting ceremony. Only the Padawan Zayne Carrick, who was late to the ceremony, survived. Framed for the murder of his fellow Padawans, Carrick went on the run, pursued by the Covenant who feared he would become the next Sith Lord.