T h e   E m p e r o r

The Emperor is the supreme authority within the Empire and the galaxy, He alone commands all things and beings. The Emperor directs all Imperial policy and His vision alone determines how the Empire will grow.
T h e   R e g e n t
The Regent is responsible for the administration of the Empire should the Emperor become incapable of doing so Himself. A Regent is either appointed by the Emperor in anticipation of such circumstances or the position is assumed by the most senior Grand Moff.  The Regent exercises all the powers of the Emperor only without the actual title of Emperor. There is no sitting Regent when the Emperor is well. 
G r a n d   M o f f s
Responsible for the administration of an entire Region. Grand Moffs are responsible for determining the defenses of their region and coordinating the efforts to bring rebel and neutral planets back under Imperial control within their Region.
M o f f s
Responsible for the administration of an entire Sector. Moffs are responsible for determining the defenses of the sectors that are under Imperial control and coordinating the efforts to bring rebel and neutral planets back under Imperial control within their sector.
P l a n e t a r y
P r e f e c t s
Responsible for the administration and defense of individual planetary systems. Prefects answer to the Sector Moff or the Grand Moff of the Region.
I m p e r i a l
A d v i s o r s
This person serves within  the Imperial High Command but normally has no authority to issue orders or commands. They may make recommendations and, depending on the favor shown them by the Emperor, some might do well to consider such recommendations an order.
G r a n d
I n q u i s i t o r
 The Grand Inquisitor serves the Emperor as head of the Imperial Security Service as well as chief investigator and magistrate. The Inquisitors act as investigator, prosecutor, judge and jury in all civil and military courts. The Grand Inquisitor serves the Emperor alone.
N a v a l   H i g h
C o m m a n d
Collectively the Grand Admirals serve as the Naval High Command. They are answerable to the Emperor and the Imperial High Command directly. They are responsible for planning major campaigns and expeditionary operations. In addition, the Naval High Command works closely with the Grand Moffs, Moffs and Prefects to ensure that the commercial space lanes are kept free of pirates and other such outlaws.
A r m y    H i g h
C o m m a n d
Collectively the Field Marshals serve as the Army High Command. They are answerable to the Emperor and the Imperial High Command directly. They are responsible for planning major campaigns and surface operations. In addition, the Army High Command works closely with the Grand Moffs, Moffs and Prefects to ensure that each planet is properly garrisoned.