Commission for the Preservation of the New Order (COMPNOR)

(A report from Imperial Intelligence to an unnamed Grand Moff, prepared shortly after the Battle of Yavin.)

COMPNOR was formed in Imperial City months after Palpatine assumed power. Initially COMPNOR was little more that a social gathering for idealistic young beings who saw the New Order a deliverance from the chaos of the dying days of the Old Republic. One of the Emperor's advisors, one Crueya Vandron, saw the potential worth of a populist movement which could be molded into a useful political tool. Overt encouragement and discrete funding were provided, giving COMPNOR the appearance of a spontaneous organization enjoying phenomenal growth.

Crueya Vandron gave COMPNOR the resources to grow, but the Emperor took hand in the shaping of the organization. His methods were patient, defeating his opponents within COMPNOR not through violence or threats, but with hidden, gentle, consistent pressure which wore the opposition down. Those who opposed the change in COMPNOR never knew the Emperor had done anything to instigate the changes. Most could not even explain how the nature of their organization differed from what they had envisioned.

Key members of the group were approved for the Select Committee, that part of COMPNOR that would oversee the rest of the organization, with implicit approval from the Emperor. Then the changes became more sweeping. The Emperor's peculiar genius was again demonstrated - he had succeeded in having his enemies unknowingly choose exactly the course of action he desired them to choose.

COMPNOR is no longer an innocuous social club. It is now a powerful tool for the Empire. COMPNOR actively attempts to build the ethic of the Empire into the life of the average citizen. COMPNOR is also recruiting members to assure that future citizens will consider the Old Republic, and the defeat at Endor, relics of the past, committing their lives totally to the Galactic Empire...

The Select Committee

The Select Committee is the ruling body for COMPNOR. The Select Committee has a variable number of members, and the COMPNOR charter provides for electoral and honorary means of being named a member of the Select Committee, but these are seldom invoked anymore. The amount of members is not really known, as COMPNOR chooses not to reveal this information. The main duty of the Select Committee is to keep COMPNOR functioning smoothly within the confines of the bureaucracy.

The Coalition for Progress

The Coalition for Progress is the central authority and clearinghouse for the reports of all of the Sector Monitors. COMPNOR members inside and outside the coalition simply refer to it as "Progress." Progress has grow from an understaffed and underwhelming authority on culture in the Empire to a large bureaucracy with surprising efficiency at gathering and analyzing the information which pours in from the Sector Monitors. Events in the past have now tied Progress much closer to the Imperial Security Bureau. They now gather low-level intelligence for the ISB, sifting through the millions of reports on the chance of uncovering an as of yet undiscovered activity of the rebellion. Any pattern of activity which strikes Progress as suspicious is analyzed and the findings are passed on to the ISB.

The Coalition for Improvements

Originally the Improvement Division of the Commerce agencies, Improvements became it's own group when the Select Committee began reorganizing COMPNOR along the designs "suggested" by the Emperor. Improvements receives copies of Progress reports as forwarded by the ISB. Progress reports cases of system deviance from the ideals of the New Order to the ISB. The Imperial Security Bureau assigns Improvements those cases which will require long term solutions, especially when those solutions are best not associated with the Empire.


Compforce is the military arm of COMPNOR. They were created to give the Emperor large forces other than stormtroopers on whose loyalty he could absolutely rely. Assault volunteers are given rigorous training, and then put nominally under the command of a Sector Group. Observation personnel are selected from a different pool of beings than assault personnel. Regular Army and Navy personnel have no love for CompForce. Regular troopers and deckmen feel that CompForcers are given priority when it comes to new equipment or the allocation of valuable resources, such as medical attention. In sectors where COMPNOR has a particularly strong influence, this is true. Most dislike stems from CompForcers' rabid adherence to the principals to the New Order. While the average deckman or trooper believes in the basics of the New Order, they believe they have better things to do than self-examine their lives in excruciating detail to see how they might better serve the New Order. CompForcers are treated cooly throughout the military.

The Imperial Security Bureau

The ISB was created to increase the Emperor's knowledge of political events, and as an intentional rival to Imperial Intelligence. While the ISB does not have the quality of intelligence operatives that Imperial Intelligence does, it is now the larger organization and is staffed solely by those loyal to the New Order. The competition has also served to put a little fire under both organizations as they try to insure that their intelligence is as good or better than their rival's. The ISB serves more of a police function than does the Ubiqtorate in Intelligence. The ISB has more of a public presence. Its operatives, especially in Surveillance, will often identify themselves as members of the ISB, the intimidation value being worth the loss of secrecy.